Saturday, September 14, 2013

Survival tools

Spirits and caffeine levels are simultaneously lifting as the green line barrels towards our third vehicle transition area to pick up the baton again!   We are feeling strong thanks to the survival tools inside the van, which include Erica's pumpkin bread, Eugene's rolly-stick (great on the quads) and Matt's secret pop dance cardio pandora station.  Fueled by donuts and Rihanna, we just cheered on Christina from the orange line van who was speeding past tractors and picking up some roadkill. Melanie says "I just woke up with a lot of energy this morning".

1 comment:

Karin said...

Oh I get a vicarious thrill catching up on all your posts!
Thanks guys!
Alumnus RTBer here ...
I miss being there especially at this stage when you don't know or feel that it'll be over soon and you are at the Beach!!
Then check it off on your yearly bucket list.
Love to Erica and the gang,