Saturday, September 20, 2014

Back on the Road

After a good few hours of sleep it was our turn again.  In the Green Line you run a leg, have "dinner" (think plain pasta if you do not want to reeat dinner on your second leg), run your second leg, nap, run your third leg and head to the beach.  In the Orange Line you go off to have lunch (big mistake if it is more than a Cliff bar and I paid for that mistake), run a leg, nap, run a leg, get breakfast and then run to the beach.  Which means that post napping we were off for the first of our two remaining legs.

The Green Line pulled into the VTA and here is where we took over.
Night legs mean night time pictures, which are really, really tough to get.  You cannot use a flash because we are all wearing reflective gear.  But every now and then you get a photo that is something other than a blurry line of light.  This one is of Nancy at the van waiting for one of our teammates to run by.
The next shot is of Jay and is in my humble opinion one of the best night time action shots I have seen.  Even then it does not do him justice.  Seeing Jay race walk is something else.  He is fast!

Towards the end of our second leg the sun started to come up and Kevin, always in a good mood, actually has the presence of mind to wave to the camera after basically having had very little sleep and by now run several miles!
The end of the leg brings the Orange Line into the park where the Green Line was spending their nap time.  Here is Dora coming into her finish line.
Next up breakfast!  What does a team look like after two legs and no sleep you may wonder?  Not bad, not bad at all!

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