Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I would like to introduce the Official 2014 Rosie Ruiz Fan Club Reach the Beach Relay team!  Yes, yes, I know you have waited up late at nights in hope the news would break.  Well now it has!  (Just nobody, and I mean nobody get hurt between now and when we leave for Cannon mountain!)

In no particular order: me - (1) a.k.a. Matt, (2) Paula, (3) Chris, (4) Andrew, (5) Nancy, (6) Matt (yes, we know this will be confusing), (7) Jennifer (the better half of the confusingly named other Matt), (8) Robin, (9) Denise, (10) Nicholas (son of Denise), (11) Jay and (12) Amandeep.  (Applause, applause!)

Our team is set.  Our hotel for the night before the race is booked.  The vans are booked.  The decorations are all ready to roll.  Last but not least this year's team t-shirts look like they will show up tomorrow!

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